PSAT Exam Test preparation

PSAT Exam Test Preparation Course Charlotte NC USA

There are actually three different PSAT exams:
  • PSAT 8/9
  • PSAT 10

The first two tests are designed for the grade levels indicated by their names. Learn more about the PSAT 8/9  and the PSAT 10 here. The third test is the same assessment as the PSAT 10—and, as its name implies, it’s not just a preliminary SAT.

NMSQT stands for National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Top scores on this test have the potential to qualify students not only for the National Merit® Scholarship Program but also for substantial scholarships at many different colleges.

The redesigned PSAT/NMSQT will provide more information about your learning by reporting more scores than ever before. Each of the redesigned assessments (SAT®, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT™ 10, and PSAT™ 8/9) will report test scores and cross-test scores on a common scale.Practice online PSAT Exam Test papers.

There are many different ways to prepare. If you want to check out the test format and try a few questions, you can download an official practice PSAT/NMSQT exam and the scoring form. Once you score your test, you can also download the answer explanations for the test’s questions.