Reduce Screening Time & Improve Math Skills

In America Kids are Spending an avg of 7 hours Screening Time vs Learn Mental Maths

Did you know that American kids and teens, ages 8 to 18, spend an average of more than seven hours a day looking at screens? Brain development, childhood obesity, attention span and other behavioral problems can stem from too much or poor-quality screen time. Remember, you can ensure the quality of screen time through parental controls & never let screen time take the place of reading, playing, or problem solving.

Promoting activities like learning Mental Math is an excellent strategy to reduce screen time and enhance math skills.

Vedic Math Charlotte NC USA

Here’s how learning Mental Math or Vedic Math can be a beneficial alternative:

  1. Active Engagement: Learning Mental Math or Vedic Math techniques requires active participation and engagement. Children need to concentrate, visualize, and mentally calculate, which actively stimulates their brains.
  2. Improving Concentration: Mental Math and Vedic Math exercises demand concentration and focus, which can help counter the negative effects of excessive screen time. Engaging in mental calculations requires sustained attention, enhancing a child’s ability to concentrate.
  3. Real-Life Application: Mental Math and Vedic Math techniques have practical applications in everyday situations. Children can use these skills when shopping, calculating tips, or solving math problems without relying on electronic devices.
  4. Boosting Confidence: Mastering Mental Math or Vedic Math can boost a child’s confidence in their mathematical abilities. As they become proficient, they gain a sense of accomplishment, motivating them to further explore math-related challenges.
  5. Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills: Mental Math and Vedic Math techniques promote creative problem-solving. Children learn various approaches to solve math problems quickly and efficiently, enhancing their problem-solving skills.
  6. Critical Thinking: Mental Math and Vedic Math encourage critical thinking and logical reasoning. Children learn to analyze problems, identify patterns, and develop strategic approaches to solve complex mathematical problems mentally.
  7. Interactive Learning: Mental Math and Vedic Math can be taught in interactive and engaging ways, making the learning process enjoyable. Educational games, puzzles, and competitions can be incorporated to make learning math a fun experience.

Parents, educators, and schools play a vital role in promoting activities like Mental Math and Vedic Math to counterbalance the impact of excessive screen time. By encouraging these math-related activities, children can develop essential skills while reducing their dependence on electronic devices, ultimately fostering a healthier balance between screen time and productive, educational pursuits.

Is your Kid ready for a Math Challenge? 

Mental Math Challenge without Paper & Pen: Learn How to Answer the Below Questions in less than 5 Seconds each.
1 Prime Numbers Between 1 to 100: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53, 59,61,67,71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
2 17 * 14 16 * 19 86 * 99 Cube Root of a Big Number
3 26 * 24 112 * 103 512 * 11 3√1728
4 38 * 32 47 * 43 834 * 11 3√4913
5 87 * 83 84 * 86 47 * 67 3√6859
6 75 * 75 73 * 33 93 * 97 3√29791
7 99 * 86 93 * 99 68 * 62 3√13824
8 77 * 73 79 * 99 28 * 99 3√10648
9 99 * 34 185 * 185 89 * 29 3√46656
10 34 * 74 143 * 147 81 * 89 3√35937
11 72 * 78 57 * 99 97^2 3√39304
12 83 * 99 198 * 192 128 *25 3√59319
13 232 * 11 135 * 135 86 * 84 3√85184
14 122 * 122 202 * 208 56 * 125 3√132651
15 3426 * 11 8842 / 5 328 * 125 3√175616
16 145 * 145 36784 / 5 109 * 109 3√274625
17 107 * 104 94262 / 5 127 * 123 3√531441
18 8246 * 5 84362 *11 116 * 114 3√592704
19 4832 * 25 628496 * 5 195 ^2 3√405224
20 32168 * 125 264642 / 5 245 ^2 3√778688

Vinod Kumar Msc Mphill, 20 years of Experience as a GMAT GRE PSAT SAT & ACT Math Tutor in Charlotte NC USA. Improvement Guaranteed within 30 to 60 Days.

Contact: Call : +1 704 453 7803