Speed Math

Speed Math Vedic Math Tutoring Classes in Charlotte NC

SAT Course Charlotte NC USA. Speed Math Mental Math Vedic Math CLT NC.

Speed Mathematics Tutoring Classes Charlotte NC

People who excel at mathematics use better strategies than the rest, they don’t necessarily have better brains. We teach simple strategies that can have you multiplying large numbers in your head, doing mental long division, even squaring and finding square roots of numbers off the top of your head.

And here is a secret. People equate intelligence with mathematical ability. In other words, if you are able to do lightning calculations in your head, people will think you are intelligent in other areas as well.

Here is one of my most important rules of mathematics. It is an unfair rule, but it is a rule just the same.

The easier the method you use to solve a problem, the faster you will solve it and there is less chance of making a mistake. The more complicated the method you use, the longer you take to solve it and greater the chance of making a mistake.

So, the people who use better methods are faster at getting the answer and make fewer mistakes. Those who use poor methods are slower getting the answer and make more mistakes. It doesn’t have much to do with intelligence or having a “mathematical brain.”

The methods we teach are not only fun to use, they are easy to learn. I walk into a class of elementary school children and teach them the basic multiplication tables in half an hour — up to the twenty times tables. They are multiplying numbers like 95 times 95 in their heads faster than you can punch the numbers into a calculator. And the kids love it.

Engineers love showing off what they can do after attending a class.

The methods are more than techniques for fast calculation. They develop strategies for general problem solving. If you don’t know , or haven’t been taught how to solve a problem, you will work out your own method. Many students have already learnt these methods and developed reputations for being mathematical prodigies. Here is a short excerpt from some of my material on Easy Mathematics where I illustrate how an easy method can improve your ability.

Visualize the equation in your head. The first step in solving a math problem in your head is to visualize the problem mentally. Imagine the numbers and the equation in your head. As you solve portions of the problem, visualize the new numbers that you’re working with. Repeating numbers mentally or verbally, in a whisper, will also help you to remember more significant numbers in the equation

Add and subtract from left to right. You were probably taught to add and subtract from right to left, but doing it this way is actually harder mentally. Instead, calculate the left numbers first, then subtract or add the right numbers together. The left number will form the left digit in your solution while the right number will be the second digit

  • For instance, to add 52+43, you can add 5+4=9 and 2+3=5, for a total sum of 95.
  • If subtracting 93-22, subtract 9-2=7 and then 3-2=1 for a total of 71.
  • If you have to carry over numbers, add them to the first digit solution. For instance, when adding 99+87, you could add 9+8 first to get 17, then 9+7 to get 16. Because you know you have to carry the 1 over, your first number would become 18, for a full solution of 186.

Count the common zeros when adding or subtracting. When adding, you can find common zeros in the equation and remove them to solve an equation easier. For instance, if you had 120-70, you could remove the zeros to get 12-7=5, then add the common zero back on to get the solution or 50.

  • Another example is if you had 300+200, you could remove the common zeros to get 3+2=5, then add them back on to get the answer or 500.

Simplify and add all the zeros when multiplying. When multiplying, you can simplify the number if zeros follow it. For instance, if you had 3000×50 you could simplify it to 3×5=15, then add together all the zeros and put it on the end of the product to get 150,000.[4]

  • Another example is if you had 70×60, you could do 7×6=42 then add the zeros to get 4,200

Round numbers up and then subtract the difference when adding. You can round numbers up, then subtract the added value to make it easier to solve complex addition problems when the value of the number is greater than 100. For instance, if you had to solve 596+380, you could add 4 to 596, so your equation looks like 600+380=980, which is easier to visualize. Then, go back and subtract 4 from your sum, 980, to get 976 or the sum of 596+380

  • Another example would be if you had 558+305. Round 558 to 560 so that your equation is 560+305 = 865. Then, subtract 2 to your sum of 865 to get 863.

Simplify complex numbers when multiplying. You don’t always have to do the exact math that you’re presented with. Complex or uneven numbers can make calculations more difficult. For example, if you have to multiply 12×36, you can simplify the numbers to make it easier to do in your head. 12 can become 10 so that you have 10×36 which equals 360. Then you can take the remainder that you didn’t calculate or 2 and multiply that by 36, which equals 72. Finally, add 360+72 to equal 432. This may be easier than doing long form multiplication in your head

Simplify percentages into even numbers. Break down percentages into smaller parts if at all possible. For instance, if you need to calculate a 15% of 40, you can figure out 10% of 40, which is 4. Then, because the remaining 5% is half of 10%, you can assume that 5% of 40 is 2. Add 4+2 = 6 or 15% of 40

Estimate when an exact calculation isn’t necessary. Estimating the solution is often much easier than trying to work out an exact solution. Try rounding complex numbers to their whole numbers, then solving the equation. If you’re in a situation when finding the exact solution isn’t necessary or you have limited time to solve the equation, use estimation to get close to the actual number.

  • For instance, if you had to add 7.07+8.95+10.09, you could round to the closest numbers and estimate that the solution was close to 26.

Associate equations with money to solve them. Since there are 100 cents in a dollar, you can easily use this knowledge to solve math equations. For instance, you may not know what 100-25 is off the top of your head, but you probably know how much money you’d have if you removed a quarter from four quarters. Associate the numbers in the equation with money if applicable.

Memorize your multiplication tables. When you memorize your multiplication tables, you’ll have the answer to simple multiplication problems instantly. This will improve the speed at which you can solve smaller components of a more complex math problem. If you’re rusty on your multiplication tables, study them until you know all single digit multiplication problems

Memorize the first 20 squares. A squares chart will show what 1-20 is multiplied by itself. Memorizing the chart will allow you to solve simple square equations in your head. You can also use squares to help you get an estimate for more complex multiplication problems.

  • For example, if you have to solve 18×19 you can use 19², then subtract 19 to get the solution.

Use flashcards. If you’re struggling with your multiplication or division tables, flashcards are a great way to memorize common math problems. Determine what you’re struggling with and then write down the equation on a card. On the back of the card, write the solution. Practice going through the flashcards with a partner so that you can use instant recall for more common math equations

Practice mental math every day. Practicing two or three complex mental math equations per day will keep your mind sharp and will vastly improve your mental math skills. Make a concerted effort to do more mental math in different situations to build the skill. After a month, you should feel more comfortable doing mental math.

Speed Math Techniques: Boost Your Calculation Speed and Accuracy

In today’s fast-paced world, being able to perform quick and accurate calculations is a valuable skill. Speed math techniques are efficient methods that help you solve math problems rapidly while maintaining accuracy. This article introduces some popular speed math techniques that can significantly improve your calculation speed and enhance your mathematical prowess.

  1. The Vedic Math Method: Vedic Math is an ancient Indian system that simplifies complex calculations through a series of sutras (aphorisms) and sub-sutras. It offers techniques for multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and more. Vedic Math utilizes patterns, digit sums, and algebraic transformations to make calculations faster and more intuitive.
  2. Mental Math Tricks for Multiplication: Multiplication is a fundamental operation that can be time-consuming. Mental math tricks, such as the “Split and Merge” method, allow you to break down numbers into smaller parts, perform easier calculations, and then combine the results to obtain the final answer. Another trick involves multiplying by powers of 10 or using the concept of “multiplying by 9” to simplify calculations.
  3. Rapid Addition and Subtraction: When it comes to addition and subtraction, rounding is a helpful technique. Round numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, or thousands to simplify calculations. Additionally, using techniques like “completing the tens” or “regrouping” can streamline the process and make mental calculations quicker and easier.
  4. The Square of a Number Technique: Finding the square of a number can be time-consuming, but there are shortcuts available. The “duplex” method allows you to square numbers efficiently by splitting them into two parts. Another technique, called “casting out nines,” helps you verify the correctness of a squared number quickly.
  5. Calculating Percentages and Fractions: Calculating percentages and fractions mentally is essential in various real-life situations. Techniques like “fraction to decimal conversion,” “percentage equivalence,” and “percentage estimation” can assist you in performing quick calculations without relying on complex formulas or lengthy calculations.
  6. Memorization Techniques: Memorizing essential mathematical facts, such as multiplication tables, squares, and cubes of numbers, can save time during calculations. Practice memorization techniques like visualization, mnemonic devices, and flashcards to internalize mathematical information, allowing you to recall it instantly when needed.

Speed math techniques provide valuable tools to perform rapid calculations while maintaining accuracy. By mastering techniques like Vedic Math, mental math tricks, rounding, square shortcuts, percentage and fraction calculations, and effective memorization, you can significantly boost your calculation speed and efficiency. Regular practice and application of these techniques will enhance your overall mathematical skills and make you more confident in solving complex problems quickly.

Contact Online PSAT / SAT / ACT Math Tutor Charlotte NC USA

    Vinod Kumar Msc Mphill, 20 years of Experience as an Online SAT & ACT Math Tutor in NC USA

    Guaranteed Score improvement from SAT Diagnostic test to Final Test.

    Email: 800mathprep@gmail.com  Call : +1 704 453 7803